วันเสาร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Yoga for gastrointestinal disorders

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that a great ability to deliver solutions to various problems of health care has also offering today. Therefore, a large number of people who regularly practiced yoga for years and live a healthy life, limb, not only in good health, but also the mind healthy.

Yoga aims to work to ensure a balance for the mind and the body of a person, "Yoga", the word itself means union, the union of body and minda healthy lifestyle. There are not responding is not an organ in the body, the exercises of yoga. Yoga can contribute to the liberation of nearly all patients every organ of the body.

This also applies to gastrointestinal problems, which is regularly confronted us. Yoga for the digestive system a series of exercises and positions, "asanas," which can provide a complete relief, whether the IBS or irritable bowel, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, stomach, etc.
YogaAyurveda in the club can not facilitate, but also the perfect drugs and full recovery of the stomach and the sequence of the various digestive disorders.

Yoga for gastrointestinal disorders is a series of exercises that teach your yoga teacher. This "must do asana", just like the teacher teaches in order to obtain a complete exemption from your problems, the teacher will teach you how long you need to stay in a certain position,Breathing in this position and how to bring it to its normal position.

Yoga exercises are not like allopathic medicine, which generally offer temporary relief, but a snapshot, these exercises will have a week to be fully effective, but you can be sure that it completely from your gastrointestinal problems healed. As a beginner, the work will refine your asana, once this is done, you are entitled to any yoga practicehome alone.

Yoga asanas, that differences of treatment may interfere with digestive problems is imposed, they go to deep breathing exercises to increase oxygen in the blood and synchronize your breathing with the metabolic system (pranayama), and pose different problems, "directly into the stomach as" Dhanurasana "makes you put weight on my stomach all, tone the muscles of the stomach and then they make us stronger, and better digestion and cleansesfor leftover food, etc. for beginners there are the asanas as a means of 'Ardha dharnurasan "by Dhanurasana where you only need the upper body, his weight rest on her stomach removed.

Almost all gastro-intestinal diseases, such as ulcers, indigestion, GERD, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. can all be treated with yoga exercises. You start to begin the modification of one or two days of the exercises to feel.

