Yoga for Diabetes DVD Review
Yoga for Diabetes DVD Overview
Yoga is an ancient and complete science focusing on breathing movement, postures and meditation. There is a wealth of scientific research available for confirming that asanas can remarkably control the functioning of the nervous system, digestive system, heart and lungs. Yoga promotes vitality and effectively relaxes the mind and body. Diabetes is related to the impaired glucose tolerance of the body, where insulin functioning is affected. The beneficial effect of the practice of Yoga on diabetes includes direct influence on pancreatic secretion by rejuvenation of the pancreatic cells, through alternate abdominal contractions and relaxations, during asanas. The asanas featured in this DVD help the reduction in blood sugar due to muscular exercises involved. Yoga effectively reduces the dependence on medical treatments by enhancing the functions of other related organs such as the heart, kidney, liver and the sensory organs thereby increasing life and longevity. Special features of this DVD: This DVD features traditional yogasanas, breathing techniques & meditation, framed under the expert guidance of Dr. Sujatha. Sequenced asanas in 40 min as REAL TIME WORKOUT with audio assisted time-cues. Multiangled presentation of yogasanas by experts. Explicit instructions in English, Hindi and Tamil
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