วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Yoga for Back Care

Yoga for Back Care Review

NOTE: This same yoga practice, now being release by Gaiam, was previously released by Living Arts. It has also been released under the title "Back Care Yoga," but it is NOT the same practice as "Back Care Yoga for Beginners."

Excellent yoga instructor Rodney Yee offers this 3-part workout focused on strengthening back muscles in order to maintain a healthy back. He utilizes various props (blanket, bolster, chair, brick, strap) to make the poses more gentle and accessible to those at all levels of fitness (however, absolute beginners should probably stick with his other practice, Back Care Yoga for Beginners).

The first 16-minute section concentrates on simple stretches to warm up the back muscles. Poses are done either while lying on the floor or in a seated position, and Rodney uses a blanket to increase range of motion. The second segment is a bit longer (around 18 minutes) and places greater emphasis on strength moves. It begins with basic backbends (eg, cat pose) and moves on to standing poses modified by use of a chair; the segment ends with a series of lying stretches. In the final section, Rodney uses a wider variety of props, including TWO chairs and both the blanket AND the bolster. This is a slow-moving, approximately 16-minute segment which focuses on fostering relaxation through practicing a small number of postures held for a longer period of time.

At times, Rodney's reliance on props is a bit distracting, particularly while you are trying to relax during the final section. However, he always allows ample time to relocate the props in-between poses, and his use of the props is definitely beneficial, particularly during the second practice. Rodney's manner is extremely calm and relaxing, and his voiceover is always perfectly in sync with his on-screen performance. One minor criticism is that he doesn't offer mirrored instruction, but this is easily ignored given his otherwise excellent cueing. Overall, this is a very good series of yoga practices by a master yoga instructor.

Yoga for Back Care Feature

  • Yoga teacher Rodney Yee demonstrates many moves and positions aimed at increasing spinal flexibility, strengthening the core, and toning abdominal muscles in order to prevent and relieve back pain. Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: HEALTH/FITNESS Rating: NR Age: 018713528889 UPC: 018713528889 Manufacturer No: 05-52888

Yoga for Back Care Overview

A strong, healthy back is essential to you well-being and vitality. Through our often sedentary day-to-day activities sitting at a computer, driving to/from work, relaxing on the couch we weaken our otherwise healthy backs and develop poor posture. Yoga for Back Care was designed to strengthen your back and help counter the ill effects of our busy lives.

Through a series of stretches and postures, internationally acclaimed yoga instructor Rodney Yee teaches you to develop a stronger, healthier back. As you progress through the workout, you ll move from sitting to standing to floor exercises. Together, these exercises will help lengthen and loosen your spine for greater agility and flexibility.

DVD includes:
Stretches and hip-opening postures to warm up the body
Active workout to build core back and abdominal muscles
Guided relaxation to release tension and calm mind and body

Props Recommended: Yoga mat, yoga strap

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 17, 2010 15:55:07

วันเสาร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Yoga to the Rescue for Back Pain

Yoga to the Rescue for Back Pain Review

In this DVD, Anusara-trained yoga instructor Desirée Rumbaugh offers a yoga practice designed to ease pressure and tightness in the back, improve posture, and increase strength and flexibility to the core of the body. The Main Menu of the DVD is as follows: Introduction (brief overview by Desirée) - Play Workout - Chapter Index - Biography - Music Options (Music Only or Music + Instruction) - Also from Acacia (trailers of other workouts). For some of the postures, a block or blanket is used.

Desirée mostly leads the workout using voiceover instruction, although she breaks in live at times to provide more specific tips. The first six chapters (about 8 minutes) focus mainly on the fundamentals of good standing posture. She then moves through a series of basic standing postures to warm up the back, including chair pose, cat/cow, downward dog, spinx/cobra, and locust. The lower back in particular is targeted through several lunge variations as well as a seated twist. Because weak abdominal muscles can contribute to lower back problems, Desirée also works on strengthening the abdominal core through exercises performed in a reclined position such as crunches, leg lifts, and pendulum; this section was fairly challenging, especially the pendulum move, which Desirée moved through at quite a fast pace. Next, Desirée returns to some additional backbending postures, upping the intensity level with bow, camel, and bridge. Following this, the practice begins to wind down through a series of stretches, including lying hamstring stretch, outer hip stretch, and windshield wipers. Desirée offers some final postural tips in the reclined position, as she provides instruction on preserving the lumbar curve as well as presents the use of lying over a blanket to restore proper alignment. The practice concludes with a savasana (relaxation) that is just under four minutes long, bringing in the total time at approximately 65.5. minutes.

Although video this is presented as a complete yoga practice, the mixture of independent short chapters (most are around 2 minutes in length), interruptions for live instruction, occasional lack of parity between voiceover and onscreen demonstrations, and brief "Tip" segments which show the right versus wrong way to perform some of the postures all contributed to an overall choppy feel. The information presented here is certainly valuable, but the stop-and-go nature made it feel more like a physical therapy session or yoga workshop than an actual yoga practice. This DVD would probably work best for those wanting specific tips and strategies to address back pain rather than a flowing yoga practice experience; overall, I'd rate it 3 1/2 stars.

Yoga to the Rescue for Back Pain Overview

Simple, effective ways to relieve pain, prevent pain, and remain pain-free

"Her physical practice is inspiring and her application of yoga therapy is spot on" -- Yoga Journal

Too much time at our desks, in our cars, and watching TV add up to back stiffness, soreness, and pain that can steal the joy from our lives. But you have more power to heal yourself than you know. Celebrated Anusara Yoga teacher Desirée Rumbaugh shows you how.

Starting with a simple standing pose, Desirée leads you through a series of therapeutic yoga exercises that will improve your posture, ease pressure, relieve tightness, increase circulation, and make you stronger and more flexible. She clearly explains each pose and shows both the right and wrong way to perform key movements, so you know just what to do. Fellow Anusara teacher Andrew Rivin demonstrates alternate, easier positions so you can choose the one that’s best for you. Before long, your aching back will be a thing of the past.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 16, 2010 10:15:10

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Kapalbhati, the 10-Minute Yoga

Kapalbhati is one of the best yoga techniques that have given by the sages of India. It is a gift to humanity. The idea is simple: one can breathe, and usually in the stomach to the collapse strength. Does it for 10 minutes and feel the difference within days.

Kapalbhati is one of my favorite pranayama. Kapalbhati is a subcategory of pranayama, which is in Chapter 3, "Pantajali Yogdarshan. Pranayamic between the various exercises and techniques;Note Kapalbhati that Kapalbhati is an exercise in which the practice gives light to the skull, a purification process that illuminates the front. Kapalbhati Pranayama is a technique that stimulates the entire brain and awakens the sleeping centers that are responsible for the performance of thin.

Although kapalbhati performance is really quite straight, it is important that it runs properly for best results. It includes breathing slower than usual andforcing the breath. An important consequence is kapalbhati to increase the air pressure in short bursts into the throat and sinuses, which stimulates the anterior part of the brain. However, when both nostrils are blocked, can not Kapalbhati. The technique uses short, severe smoke inhalation force automatically.

Kapalbhati abdominal breathing is very exciting because the collapse of the stomach, forced to causing smoke.Kapalbhati abdominal breathing is very stimulating. Kapalbhati could come so fast that two shots in one second. Kapalbhati is one of the yoga breathing techniques can remove the toxins in the lungs. Kapalbhati though it usually sits is done, you have to be practiced.

This technique of Pranayama enlivens even the mind and cleanses the spirit. I think Kapalbhati is one who helps me more. Baba Ramdev is a great defender and Kapalbhatisuggests that at least 10-15 minutes per day to the prices.

วันอังคารที่ 12 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Anti-Aging Yoga

Yoga is one of the most effective ways for you to see and feel younger and can add years to your life with better health, strength and flexibility.

Yoga is for all ages and all conditions of health and almost all have to do some appropriate positive benefits, yoga regularly.

Yoga is one of the most effective methods for reducing stress reduction and meditation and everything, what could the impact that your stressMind and body, you will see and feel younger.

There are different types of yoga and you can choose what's best for you simple relaxation exercises to advanced exercises that will produce a body tonic and help to reduce the years.

Yoga helps increase circulation and improve skin look back and be healthy. Even some of these exercises increases the blood flowScalp, which can lead to a reduction in hair loss in some people.

Muscle flexibility and reduces joint pain and pain relief may help the wrinkles between the eyebrows, which are common with people in constant pain.

Yoga helps the digestive system and that will help you derive maximum benefit from the food we eat, and thus to improve the general health and nutrition, which is reflected in the skin of the left,Condition.

A balance of body and mind, yoga can still do more fully in the process of aging in a hospital by surgeons. You should consider that how we can do at home without the cost of the gym, it is convenient and flexible, depending on the degree of fitness.

วันจันทร์ที่ 11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Yoga helps Insomnia

Many people suffer from sleep disorders, to a range of sleep disorders, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep be found. Although medications that can sleep used to solve this problem, all these drugs have many side effects of sleeping pills. Thus, a number of people who try to chronic or acute insomnia is suffering, alternative uses to reduce their sleep problems. Yoga is a popular optionfor a number of people, because it helps a lifestyle that promotes the complete well-being and health.

The practice of yoga takes place at night, preferably in bed, relaxed mind and body and works his magic to initiate sleep. There are seven positions of yoga, practiced every day, if before bedtime to treat insomnia, even in patients with long ago. These items are described as very useful when practiced on a regularBackground:

Uttanasana is prevented or get straight: The elbow must forward, relieved to be practiced with the support from the bed, so that the stress that affect the mind in sleep. This position is a great way to relax at the end of the day and relax your body with the brain and eliminates the fatigue and anxiety.

Sarvangasana or stand shoulder: This position stimulates the mind and body and release tension in areas that are affected most often, based on stress. OfPromotion of the thyroid gland, helps regulate blood flow to the neck, chest, shoulders and head, the mind relaxes into sleep.

Make Halasana or plow: To improve the circulation in the brain, this position can be very useful. Not only increases blood flow to the head and brain, but also relaxes the mind and acts as a barrier for insomnia.

Supta Matsyendrasana rotation or lateral tilt: This place is ideal for a cureexhausted nerves and can feel rejuvenated and revitalized Yogi Stretch and relax the spine and the nerve endings located in the rear. Once there, relax them, a sense of calm and relaxation for the mind.

Pavana free or wind Muktasana Double Exposure: Eliminate excess wind or gas in the body causes a number of problems, including headaches, dizziness, nausea and insomnia. Whatever you get rid of wind in excess, the body automatically eight p.m.To allow organ function in general do better.

Sitting cross-legged or prevented with stretching and exercising the various parts of the body, this position moves the focal point for stimulating the nervous system. It is a big task for people with sleep disorders because it promotes internal reflection and provides a calming effect on the body as a whole.

Savasana, or corpse to be asked: The reason for the yoga session is considered complete withoutProvide corpse is that a number of advantages and provides a wide range of problems to solve. Improved improve the mental capacity to better manage all the thoughts and the degree of concentration. When you done to reduce insomnia, this attitude can work its wonders, if it uses, especially when in bed. Breathing techniques that focus the attitude of the body, and brings on sleep and relieve the person of insomnia.

All of these positions is practiced in yoga in the ActHow can they help in preventing sleep problems in creating a healthy lifestyle that can be achieved with the lack of sleep.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

John P. Milton: Cleanse & Build Inner Qi - Qi Gong for Long Life

John P. Milton: Cleanse & Build Inner Qi - Qi Gong for Long Life Review

I have seen many Tai Chi and Qi Gong DVDs and John P. Milton's 3-disk series is one of the absolute best available today! The exercises on "Cleanse and Build Inner Qi" are a fantastic compilation of simple movements that work to purify and build energy throughout the entire body, including the organs and bone marrow. The exercises are explained clearly and are easy to learn. I love the emphasis on practicing qigong in nature and working with the natural elements of your surroundings. The laminated cards that come with the DVD are great because you can bring them anywhere to help you practice the exercises. I recommend these disks for everyone from beginners to advanced students.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 10, 2010 22:43:16

วันเสาร์ที่ 9 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Five yoga exercises to your body

To tone your body, you need a combination of healthy diet, exercise financial failure, and reinforcement. For many people this means a strict regime of running and lifting, but get boring over time. But a solution may be closer than you think. Surprisingly, leads yoga exercises to your body. It also includes exercises, cleansing of toxins that accumulate in your system can help your diet release.

This article developsSome yoga exercises are explained in an easy to follow.

1. Using the Tree Pose to strengthen your oblique anytime

Tree Pose is standing on one leg open with the other foot back just above the knee and hip joints. The legs are like the number four. The arms are held in a prayer pose. This exercise is very good because it can always be carried out: if you're in line at the post office is holding the food warmMicrowave, or during a call into the office. This exercise is a small effect, but also improves the balance and tone your oblique.

2. Lengthen and strengthen your back with the Poznan Dog

It is easy to forget our back muscles, until they can cause pain. But the work on their strong desire of your heart and help you to abdominal fat. The two can and dog - upward dog and downward dog pose, focus on back muscles. To increase the dog must be on the bed with the stomach lying onthe ground. Then, his hands in the ribs, lift the body and head and upper body back arch. According to this office on the lower back on the mat and go off to face a dog who supported the repeal of the base of the triangle belt on the arms and legs.

3. The Warrior Pose tones your lower body

The warrior pose is great place to strengthen the calves, thighs and hips. This one goes into a deep lunge position and put your weight on the bent legs. ToAt the same time keep your hips protrude to the rear. This leads to tensions, the works, the whole area. The Warriors will also help put your arms slightly, as they are kept separate during the installation.

4. Reduce the abdominal muscles with the transfer Plank

To promote your stomach tone and weight loss in this area, offering a series of yoga poses as tables. As you are in a table you can use the core muscles to maintain the body. ABoard can provide either the chest to the ground or from the side to be carried out. In a standard flat, keep your body, so if you're going to start the pumps. In a side-board, climb the side of the foot and the right hand and hold your heart in the same period.

5. Your core business with the installation of boat

The muscles of the abdomen, hips and back are in the area of the center. The boat put all calls. Sit on the floor with his legs before him. Put your handsbehind the hips and lean back in them. Then lift your legs on the ground and an angle of 45 degrees. Once there, take your hands and go beyond the knee. Use your muscles to get an erection on the back of balanced and the commitment to the tail. After three repetitions of each 20 seconds, you should feel every muscle in your heart to work hard.