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Power Yoga the Complete Workout - Stamina, Strength, Flexibility with Rodney Yee

Power Yoga the Complete Workout - Stamina, Strength, Flexibility with Rodney Yee Review

First, just a word to A.Vegan. If you have been performing yoga for a while, why would you choose this DVD? It does say for beginners, so it doesn't surprise me that it wasn't challenging enough for you. Maybe you should try something with "Power Yoga for Intermediate or Advanced Students" instead? That being said, this is pretty tough for the beginner. Not really in a fatigue sort of way, more the flexibility and the familiarity with the routine. At first, you are constantly looking at the video at the same time as doing the moves, and like people have said, it isn't quite in sync all the time. After a few times through, however, you can follow the voice alone and just look up now and then to double-check. I have become addicted to Yoga through this DVD and my flexibility has improved as well as my sense of balance. I think this is a worthwhile DVD to purchase, along with other DVDs that complement it.


Power Yoga the Complete Workout - Stamina, Strength, Flexibility with Rodney Yee Feature

Power Yoga the Complete Workout - Stamina, Strength, Flexibility with Rodney Yee Overview

Meditating on a white sand beach as the clear blue water rolls toward your peaceful body is what Power Yoga is about. Yoga master Rodney Yee leads this three-part workout against the backdrop of grassy fields, deserts, and beaches. Each of the three segments focuses on the mind-body connection while increasing flexibility and learning the basic (and the difficult) postures of yoga. These 25-minute segments can be done in sequence for an overall body challenge or (if time is a factor) divided into individual workouts. The first session concentrates on stamina and introduces the sun salutation with attention to breathing and body awareness. This portion is less physically demanding than the two that follow and would be ideal for beginners or participants who crave relaxation. The second segment makes strength the focal point through a series of cross-legged lunges and more strenuous postures. Yee challenges the upper body here by incorporating a variety of arm balances and more difficult poses within the sun salutation. The third and final workout centers on power movements that utilize major muscle groups. This is a great format for advanced participants because the poses are more physically demanding and require greater flexibility to hold. Yee gradually increases the difficulty, which allows for optimum form and range of motion. Each of the three sessions concludes with meditation that is both calming and restorative. The variation of intensity makes this collection perfect for beginning and experienced yoga students alike. Overall this total body workout is designed for those who want to strengthen both mind and body. --Olivia Voigts

Power Yoga the Complete Workout - Stamina, Strength, Flexibility with Rodney Yee Specifications

Power yoga is a rigorous form of yoga characterized by a flowing series of poses practiced in continual and rapid succession. Guided by acclaimed yoga instructor Rodney Yee, Living Arts Power Yoga: The Complete Workout makes this high-energy exercise accessible to anyone with a familiarity of yoga and moderate level of fitness. Emphasizing stamina, strength and flexibility, these three workouts can be practiced separately or together for total body fitness. With lots of extras including a special interview with Rodney Yee on power yoga, instant access to workouts and surround sound includes:

Choice of three shorter workouts or the complete power yoga workout
Interactive menus that let you jump right into the workout
In-depth interview with Rodney Yee

Total content time: 100 minutes

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 03, 2009 16:31:04

